Friday 30 January 2009

Mental Health.

Those of us who enjoy reasonably good mental health, sometimes take our ability to deal with lifes knocks for granted. I was reminded of this earlier this afternoon when talking to a friend who is currently suffering mental distress, brought on lcurrently by reaction to a number of physical health problems. Most of us will never know what it is like to have your life brought to a standstill by extreme anxiety or depression to the extent that you need medication to help you eat and sleep, or worse, suffer from the horrors of disorders such as Scizophrenia. I know that most of us are inclined to make jokes about mental illness from time to time but those who have had to deal with the realities either as carers or sufferers know the reality is anything but funny. We can only offer our support to those who suffer from mental health conditions and their families and work to make sure that those who work to help the mentally ill are properly renumerated for their tireless and often unrecognised work.

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