Saturday 31 January 2009

The Big Pick

Glad to hear that the big litter pick went well and that it might become a regular feature of village life with, hopefully, more peoplejoining in. I understand that the most unusual item found was a childs cricket bat.

Some of us with very long memories will remember when a certain employee of the postal service with a drink problem, now no longer amongst the living, used to dispose of his empties at locations around the village. Thankfully, none of our current team of postal workers add to village litter problems in that way. I also notice that they do not seem to litter the place with elastic bands, as used to be the case when I lived in Prestwick.

1 comment:

silverton siren said...

This practice is alive and well - in certain parts of the parish - why I do not know! Perhaps a kindly postman(or woman!) can enlighten us as to why they discard the bands so readily?