Sunday, 15 March 2009


It looks as though spring is finally arriving. The birds are singing, the daffodils are out and the sound of the lawnmowers are beginning to echo across the land. Therefore, its time to get going in those dark corners of the house where the dust has been gathering through the winter and to clear out the rubbish from the garden shed. Out with the old !. Given the credit crunch, perhaps its time to organise a car boot, or garage sale as one persons junk is another persons dearest need. If the stuff is unsaleable, the tip awaits.

As with our houses, so wsith our minds. Time to clear out our winter blues and to look forward to the spring and summeer with all the promise that those seasons hold for new experiences and relationships and perhaps its time to get our bodies in order also. Get out those exercise bikes and rowing machines and try walking to the pub instead of getting a lift.

So throw upen your windows and your minds and get sprincleaning.

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