Tuesday, 24 March 2009

Proposed Travellers Site.

Just a brief update on this. One of our regular readers has discovered that the decision on this will not be taken by the council planning committee unless there is a call from a district councillor for it to do so, rather the final decision will be taken by a planning officer. Given that this issue is generating a good deal of heat within the village, there should at least be an opportunity for our democratically elected representitives to debate and decide on the issue.

Your district councillor is.

Councillor Lucille Baker.

email. lbaker@middevon.gov.uk

Phone (01884) 243502


Anonymous said...

As you say, Silvertonia, this issue is generating a lot heat in the village - but not much light if the letter circulated to homes on Tuesday if anything to go by.
The letter contained not one planning reason to turn down the application.
An allegation that the applicant has at some point added their name to campaign to legalise drugs - a national campaign to legalise the use of cannabis, I believe - won't sway the district council. Nor will the applicant enrolling her children at the primary school.

Tobireg said...

I have not seen the letter that was circulated and am unaware of its contents.

As you say neither reason would sway the district council in a planning application, and as we all know, if support for, or use of waccy baccy in this village was used as a reason for refusing planning applications, there would be a good few without homes.

Anonymous said...

I understand the planning application will be discussed at the parish council meeting on Monday, April 6.