Thursday, 12 March 2009

Oppose This Suggestion.

I noticed on the lunchtime news today, a suggestion which will outrage all right thinking people. A doctor in Scotland, obviously a trained member of the healh police, has suggested that in order to fight the scourge of obesity, extra taxes should be placed on chocolate. It seems then, that after the attack on the soft target of tobacco and the mounting campaign against alcohol, chocolate is to be next on the agenda. Those who find simple pleasures in a chocolate buscuit with their cup of coffee will soon be subject to more taxation. I suspect that most chocoholics will sigh and pay up if the evil day ever comes.

Whilst understanding the dangers inherent in overeating and overindulging in drink, the current campaigns against even the minimum of what keeps people sane in an ever more insane world has sinister undertones of the past. I wonder how long it will be before we see endless clips in news bulletins showing masses of fit young persons doing exercises in stadiums and extolling the virtures of health and efficiency as was the case in nazi germany. The ever growing obsession with controlling and regulating our pleasures is just another example of the nasty smell of semi fascism that is creeping into so much of public life nowadays.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said, Tobireg. I particularly agree with your last paragraph.