Thursday 5 February 2009

Nodding Off.

Does anyone else ever have that problem ?. You are watching an interesting programme on the TV and, inexplicibly, you nod off in the last ten minutes, thus missing the whole point of the thing. Luckily, in this age of digital recording we can now rerun the programme if we have the equipment but it is still annoying nonetheless.

The other annoying thing is when someone phones you just at a crucial moment in the programme. Now that we have mobiles you get texts as well and get the added annoyance when it turns out that it is Orange, or whoever, texting you with their latest unmissable offer.

Perhaps the best course of action to avoid such problems is to make sure thgat you sit on an upright, hard seated chair when watching TV and to lock your mobile away under the duvet in the bedroom upstairs. Should you get phoned landline by a call centree during your programme make sure that you have a tape of the old 'Top Of The Pops' album you aquired from Oxfam to play to the caller. That should deter further interruptions.

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