Wednesday 18 February 2009

Careful With That Camera.

I see that under the provisions of the new Terrorism Act you can be held in breach of the act if you take pictures of members of the armed forces or members of the constabulary if it is thought that you might be collecting them for the purposes of terrorism. So be very careful who you are photographing from now on, particularly if you might be of a somewhat darker complexion than your average White Anglo Saxon Protestant.

I wonder how long it will be before there are restrictions on taking photo's of politicians.


Anonymous said...

As long as you photograph politicians kissing babies, or posing with the latest green “Bag for Life”, you can take as many as you like.

Anonymous said...

Back in the early 1980s I was sent out to the Black Forest on an in-service training course (in this case a.k.a. “a freebie”). I planned to take photos of everything on the trip to show my wife on my return. I was taking some photos in Gatwick when, to my surprise, I was stopped by a policeman, who wanted to see my passport, and questioned me closely about what I was doing. He let me off with, "Well, that’s alright then, but make sure you don’t take any photographs of the Police or Security”.

So the Boys in Blue were worried about terrorism even then !!