Tuesday 24 February 2009


Whilst we in England are tossing our pancakes far more enerrgetic pursuits are going on across Latin America and the Caribbean where Carnival is celebrated. The decorated floats bedecked with flowers and adorned with scantily clad young women head through the streets accompanied by steel bands and samba dancers as everyone as a thouroughly good time before the onset of Lent. Not surprising therefore, that increasing numbers of tourists from these parts are heading down to Rio to join the fun. Given the English winter weather, who can blame them. Its also the case that they know how to let their hair down in style down Rio way. I rather suspect that even if you flew the entire population of Silverton out to Brazil to observe the celebrations the Street Market version of Carnival would still end up as being little more then what it usually is, the chance for the middle aged and middle class to indulge in a bit of fancy dress. When it comes to Carnival the English, in general, still retain too much of the stiff upper lip.

Best to stick to pancake racing.

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