Tuesday 10 February 2009

It Could Be Worse.

Whilst our own recent severe weather was unpleasent and disruptive, its effects pale into insignificance when measured against the fire disaster that has engulfed parts of south Australia. There can be few things worse I would think, then being trapped in a fire zone where a fire wall can travel faster then the speed of a car destroying everything in its path. Hopefully the weather conditions there are now improving and hopefully, those arsonists alleged to have been behind at least some of the fires will be speedily brought to justice. It seems to be a sad fact of life that every time these fire disasters happen anywhere in the world, arson seems to be a factor. One can only assume that those inadequates who undertake such actions, get a sense of power through causing this sort of death and destruction that they are unable to achieve elsewhere in their lives. Hopefully, these people will soon be consigned to places where they have no power over anything.

1 comment:

babyblox said...

If the Aussie police catch any of these people, they will have to take them into protective custody. If the mob gets hold of any of them they'll tear them to pieces.