Thursday 11 June 2009

People Get Ready.

So thats it then. Swine flu has been declared a global pandemic and will doubtless be coming to you and your family once the autumn is upon us. Perhaps its time to get an early start on preparing for the worst by stocking up with the packets of Lemsip and the tins of Chicken soup.

On the other hand, perhaps we should just all head for the southern hemisphere in the next few months, get a dose of it and get it out of the way. For those on a restricted budget you could head for Scotland and a visit to the nice seaside town of Dunoon where the bug seems to be rampant at the moment. Just think, if its a nice summer you could get a dose of the flu and whilst recovering get a decent suntan on a scottish beach.

And believe me, you can get suntans on Scottish beaches despite the theory that its always cold there.

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