Friday 7 November 2008

No Cream ?.

Jane Isaac at The Lamb asks why there appears to be no cream in cartons of full cream milk in the way that you used to get cream in the old milk bottles. As someone who has drunk semi skimmed for more years now than I care to think about I must admit that one of the pleasures about getting milk from the bottles in the old days was getting the cream to add to your tea. The disappearence of the cream is, I suppose yet another example of the world we have lost. A world before the health and safety police took over and risk aversion became a way of life.


Anonymous said...

maybe the cats have got it....

Anonymous said...

Well, Ken, as Frank sang, “There’s an awful lot of coffee in Brazil”, and there surely are an awful lot of cats in Silverton. Far too many for me. So you are probably correct in your assumption.