Thursday 16 April 2009

Time For An Overhaul ?.

Carolyn made the point last night that the blog is beginning to look a little tired. We have been using the same template for nearly a year now and perhaps it is time for a change in the way the blog is presented. The blog will be having a break soon, from april 26th until may 7th while I am on a scottish visit, and during that time I shall be having a few thoughts about what we can do to improve the look of the blog. Part of the problem is that there are only a limited amount of templates that Google/Blogger provides and I dont really know how to install templates from other sources. We shall be giving these issues some thought in the weeks to come.

I have in the meantime made some colour alterations to the blog


Anonymous said...

During your deliberations perhaps you can consider re-creating a village website. One of the reasons you get few comments (anonymous or otherwise) might be because the blog is not well-known. The village website had a guest book which was well-used but not well-edited and silly or offensive posts were not removed. How about it?

Silenus said...

James you do a wonderful job here. You have a good finger on the pulse of the village, you have a great ability to put forward your own opinions without demeaning the opinions of others and making sure that everyone understands that they are only personal opinions.
Keep up the good work; the small change of colour scheme is much easier on the eye, surely there is no need to do much more to this.
The comment about the village website however is very well made; it is a pity that is no more - lots of work must have gone into it, hopefully it still exists somewhere and could be used as a basis for a new website. It is vital to monitor / moderate comments on it and you would be a very good candidate to do that.