Sunday 12 April 2009

A Happy Easter To You All.

Today, isthe high point in the Christian calender when those of that faith, celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the promise of eternal life for those who follow his teachings. In the modern world easter provides one of those occasions when the heads of the various churches that interpret the teachings of christ, the opportunity to give us their thoughts on how the easter message relates to the way we live now. This year it seems some of the holy men are somewhat agitated about the fact that football matches are being played on easter sunday, a matter that I dont remember being covered in any of the books of The New Testement.

Which raises the question of which football club Jesus would have supported if he were alive today. There is of course only one answer to this. I am sure that JC would have been a supporter of the mighty Glasgow Celtic FC, the only club to play at a ground known as Paradise, and the only world class football club that I know of to have been founded by a monk, Brother Walfried.


babyblox said...

A friend from Liverpool once told me that back in the '60s there used to be a church next to the Anfield ground. One day the vicar put a poster on the noticeboard in the churchyard saying "Jesus is coming. What shall we do?". Some scouse scally wrote at the bottom "Move St. John to inside left".

Tobireg said...

Back in the 1980s a bloke was selling the publication 'World Revolution' outside the co-op bank in Exeter. Some wit seeing the title shouted' whens that on' ?.