Tuesday 7 April 2009

Do It Yourself.

Obviously, most of todays output will be concerned with last nights Parish Council meeting and its outcome but whilst we are here I might as well deal with a bit of criticism of the blog that came my way today. During a conversation with someone about the outcome of the travellers site/Silverdale Development meeting, I was told that according to some, this blog only reflects the views of the over 30s and those who drink in The Lamb Inn.

As I drink in the Lamb regularly, I am bound to reflect, to an extent, the views of those that I drink with, but I do visit the other two pubs at least once a week and have publicised events taking place in them fairly regularly. As far as I am concerned, I only put up items for discussion on this blog and anyone is able to comment on them whatever their age or views. I think that the comments on the travellers site issue reflect this very well. Also, there is a contact email address on the sidebar of the Blog and anyone can send in suggestions for topics at any time and its very likely that any suggestions sent in will be addressed. At the end of the day, if people are not happy with this blog and the way that it operates they have the answer in their own hands.

Start their own.

Its easy to set up your own blog. Anyone can do it in two minutes, the challenge comes when you have to find material to keep it going on virtually a daily basis, as we have for the past ten months. We do the best we can with limited resources, if others think they can do better lets see them have a go at it.


CypSue said...

I say a big THANK YOU to you James for writing the blog and telling the whole story on important Village Issues, together with the day to day life of Silverton. I find it a great way to keep up to date with all Village activities.

silverton siren said...

I heartily concur! James does a brilliant job and a perfect example is the recent planning shenanigans - the subject was discussed on the blog and views expressed - just as it should be. As I live outside the village, it's invaluable for keeping in touch.
Thanks once again James.