Friday 3 October 2008

'Silvertonia' and the Parish Council.

The parish council took a decision not to link to this blog at their July meeting. It should bre made clear that there was no approach by this blog to the parish council and that the idea of a link came from a parish councillor who is also one of our regular readers.

After some though, I would consider that the parish council decision on this matter was a correct one. This blog takes a distinctly individual, sometimes humourous and occasionally controversial view of life in Silverton and might, just occasionally, publish material that might be embarrassing to some of our local representitives, or indeed the council as a whole. It has also to be said that this blog values its role as an independent community voice and would not wish to be seen rightly, or otherwise, as part of some village 'establishment'. Therefore, it seems best that this blog and our community representitive body retain fraternal relations where possible but without formal links.

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