Wednesday 2 July 2008

Loo's no more.

I hear that the fate of the expensive white elephant that are the closed public toilets in the car park has now been settled. Apparently they are to be taken over and converted by the nearby medical centre for use as an extension to be used by the chiropodists.

And so we are now back to the situation where a village with a population topping 2,000 and rising has no public convieniences a very poor situation for both locals and visitors. We no longer have the option of using the toilet that was once behind Bradys garage should we need it at night. Those who complain about dog droppings might also give a thought to humans who get taken short who are not even as fortunate as the dogs in that if they behave indiscreetly in such matters they are likely to face a criminal record rather than just the wrath of the dog warden and a potential ASBO.

1 comment:

Smiley said...

As part of the project there will be a public loo!