Tuesday 22 July 2008

Acoustic Solutions.

I Went along to the History Society meeting at the community hall last night to hear Brian Jenkins giving a presentation on the history of Schooling in Tiverton. Interesting to hear of the pivital role of 'Flogger' Richards of Silverton in the history of Blundells School. The talk would have been more interesting still had not the speaker been thwarted from communicating with his audience on a number of occasions by the continuing rotten acoustics. If a considerable amount of the profits expected to accrue from street market do, as usual, go to the community hall, is it too much to ask that something be done as a matter of urgency to rectifiy the problem of poor acoustics ?.


babyblox said...

Something has been done already. The hall has had a very good PA system for months. Was the history society speaker using it? No? Why not?

Tobireg said...

I think you need to put some type of removable baffles in. According to some I have spoken to this would be the best solution. Agree that some speakers seem to think that they dont need a PA system though. Some can project their voices, others cannot.