Sunday 6 July 2008

Fishermans Blues

Mr Frost, Mr Northey and Mr Dolman were away to Somerset early this morning to indulge in a spot of fishing. I must admit that sitting around on a river bank in the pouring rain waiting to hook a denizen of the deep has never really appealed to me. My grandfather apparently used to go on fishing trips in the midlands but my dad who went with him when young reckoned that he only went along to get a share of the beer that was carried in the boot of the bus. Still, I suppose that the social side of the sport is equally asa important as actually catching the fish.

I never have really got into that kind of outdoor hobby. My hobby, when young was stamp collecting. I had a big collection when about ten, some of which were quite valuable, or so I have been told. Predictably, when I got a bit older and other interests became more important I gave the entire collection away. When in my thirties I took up serious Record collecting for a while but the collection took up too much space and was difficult to transport when moving and eventually had to go.

Perhaps its time now that I have reached 'later life' to find a new hobby beyond writing this blog. I dont really think you can count dog walking as a hobby, more of a chore. The problem is that most hobbies seem to cost the earth these days so I expect that I shall have to just keep people watching in the pub.


lilly said...

people watching sounds good to me not a bad hobby when one has the time to stand still.walking mans best friend should never be seen as a chore they dont ask for much only to be fed watered and well loved much like us humans really.I hear the fishing adventures went well but a thunder storm stopped the weigh in.But still heard all about the ones that got away...

Tobireg said...

Agre about dog walking not being a chore. It just seems lioke it sometimes when the weather is crap. You are quite right about dogs needing love as do we all. Sadly for both dogs and humans there is not always enough to go around