Sunday 26 July 2009

They Came And Went.

The Morris sides duly came and went from the Lamb Inn yesterday. Morris men from as far away as Derbyshire did their thing in less than ideal weather conditions outside the pub at lunchtime and then retired to the Lamb Inn shed for a meal which they all enjoyed. It was interesting to note that like so many other group pastimes these days, most of those taking part were far from being in the first flush of youth. Whatever ones view of Morris dancing it is a traditional part of english culture and if it fails to be carried on by succeeding generations it undoubtedly will be a considerable loss. One opnly has to contrast the age of Morris dancers with those who take part in Scottish and Irish traditional dancing and culture to see the difference. Perhaps in countries like scotland and Ireland where the defence of culture has been a vital component in the struggle to retain national identity these things are taken more seriously. Perhaps it is time that the English also began to consider the importance of their identity beyond Britishness.

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