Monday, 13 April 2009

Easter Monday.

Today is traditionally the day when those into DIY head for the local branch of B&Q or one of the other superstores in order to stock up with those things necessary to begin the annual round of shelf erecting or door replacement or those other one thousend and one other little jobs that it is now traditional to undertake once the spring becomes official. I have no dout that the majority of items purchased end up getting put to good use, but you cant help wondering how much of it ends up at the back of the shed leading, in a year or two, to those who made the purchase in the first place, wondering what they had bought the stuff for. still, I dont doubt that the gatherings at the superstores provide a good opportunity to meet old mates and yo indulge in a bit of good okd fashioned male bonding in the tools and paints sections.

The next visit to the superstores will be for this years Barbie equipment. That day cannot be far off.

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