Thursday, 26 February 2009

Bonfire Problems.

Picture the scene. Its a nice sunny day. Windows are flung open and washing adorns the lines and children play merrily in the sun.


A bonfire is lit. The sun disappers, washing is hastily removed and children are rapidly called indoors. Additionally, those suffering from respiritory problems are forced to stay in and take their usual precautions.

This is what seems to have happened in the Wyndham Road area recently when a fire was lit in a nearby field. I must admit I was always a bit of a one for a good bonfire in my youth- mainly because ways of disposing of garden refuse by other means were close to non existant. We live in different times now and there are many cleaner ways of disposing of garden rubbish without causing harm to those with breathing problems and harming the environment.

Think before you light.

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