Saturday 20 December 2008

Missing Hat.

During the Lamb draw on Thursday night, my baseball cap went missing. The cap isd instantely recognisable, being blue and having the scottish lion rampant on the front. Hopefully, we shall see it retrurned. Perhaps Homer has got it.


Anonymous said...

I am sorry to hear that one of Tobireg's personal posessions has gone missing, and hope it will be returned a.s.a.p. However, I was surprised to learn that SILVERTONIA's ambassador-in-chief and head of public relations wears a hat emblazoned with a Scottish logo. SILVERTONIA needs its own logo and a competition to design one should be launched at once.

Tobireg said...

Indeed, we need a logo. Then perhaps we can have T Shirts and emblazoned mugs on sale at the next street market.