Monday 15 September 2008

What constitutes a connection with Silverton ?

Anyone who has ever been involved with a tenents or residents association will know that one of the most contentious issues that can arise is always in relation to rules for the allocation of social housing. This now seems to be generating some ccontoversy in relation to the recent letting of houses at Prispen view.

As far as I and others are aware, the rules for the letting of properties there, which are managed by Devon and Cornwall housing association, state that to be eligable to obtain such housing you must be able to demonstrate a connection with the village. What, people would like to know demonstrates such a connection, Is it something along the lines of having a family connection here. Having been educated or working here, or once having slept on the seat in the Bus shelter for the night.

Perhaps Babyblox or someone with some knowledge of such matters could enlighten us.


babyblox said...

Sorry tobireg, haven't a clue. Try the housing association.

Tobireg said...

Just raising it here as its becoming quite a topic of conversation round and about.

The real problem remains one of supply. The lack of social housing will always lead to suspicions about who gets what.