Wednesday, 10 December 2008

Wind Turbine.

Working through a mountain of email going back into last month, I came across one from Graham Parnell regarding a planning application that has been submitted to Mid Devon District Council for the erection of a wind turbine at Ash Farm that will be visible from Silverdale, Tiverton road and a good deal of that part of the village. The proposed turbine would be some 20 metres high.

Definately a dituation that needs some thought, comments welcome.


babyblox said...

This one has been brewing for about three weeks but nobody seemed very interested until now. (See my comment of 22 November on the post "New Hate Figure Needed"). The mast will not only be visible from the roads you quote but for about twenty miles in most directions and will be a real eyesore. Although this one is quite small by comparison with some, if it allowed to go ahead what precedent will it create for dozens of the wretched things all up and down the Exe Valley. The Parish Council voted to oppose it but they need the support of everyone. I implore as many as can to write to MDDC Planning Department now, before it's too late. And how about some letters to the local papers. We will only get one chance to prevent the beauty of this area being spoilt for ever. Act now.

Anonymous said...

If you want warmth and light there is going to be a pay off. The old coal fired power stations were unsightly, dirty and environmentally disastrous. Oil and gas are expensive and becoming more difficult to import as well as harmful. Do you want nuclear?
I agree that wind turbines might be unsightly. So are the electricty pylons that cover vast swathes of countryside, but we hardly notice them. We really need to act now to generate our own power. Rather than being held to ransom by the counties with the fuel.

Tobireg said...

I missed the first comment on this back in November, probably due to to trying to organise my scottish expedition.

Perhaps the parish council could organise a public meeting on the iossue in the new year and invite both sides of the argument to put their case. I must say that Dave puts forward some important points. I am not sure how much power can be generated nationally by wind turbines.

paul@cabbagesandkings said...

Having worked at the Brewery for nearly 3 years, i am very lucky to get some gorgeous views of the exe valley.
However, if we as a country don't act now to cut down on poluting what we have, our children and our childrens children will have nothing.
I think like a lot of people, that turbines dont always look right in certain area's of the country, but they are a far better choice than going nuclear.

Anonymous said...

To quote Professor David Bellamy: "Wind turbines do not make enough electricity to be of any use and, if they need fossil fuel back up when there is too little or too much wind, what is the point of them?"
If the Governemt/EU stopped awarding enormous grants for the building of wind farms, then there would be far less wind farms constructed. That is not to say that this application is for a wind farm, YET!